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Submit your charity

What we do is we ask you to submit to us. Art selfies never seen before, art pieces never seen before, unheard songs if you're a musician, never read poem if you're a poet, tutorials of any kinds... It can be anything, by anyone. Send us your project submissions under the hashtag #heroesshop through an e-mail. 


What happens is we set up a price for you, and every shopper who desires to download your content, will give this sum to our chosen monthly charity by clicking on the donation button under each entry. 100% of the money generated on you and us will go to charity. Not a zip for us.


How to see if this project is real ? We add each month charity's paypal e-mail beneath the title. When you make the payment you can verify it is the same paypal e-mail. As the name of the charity will be written in large, you can send them an e-mail yourself, check if they received money from our website. And they will ! We promise. Plus, our reputation is on the line. And we have no reason to start a project on those premises if we weren't sincere in our quest to be a charitable website. 


This project was made by an artist and activist, and we believe that the YouSelfies concept to give profits to charity, and therefore to attempt to erase selfish-ness in our generation, is innovative. Let's work for it to be revolutionary, alright? 


There will be no-third parties. No scams. Otherwise sue me


Sincerely yours,

Kazu Boy Livingstone



Here is a (non-exclusive) list of top rated charities

For more info or to donate art to our project : Kazulivingstone(at)gmail(dot) com

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